design · planting
The key plants for this garden were grasses. The owner loves the effect of their textures among other plants and how they provide continual movement as they sway in the gentlest breeze. Being a Bembridge garden, prone to coastal winds, this can also mean swirling and swishing drama. The chief focal point in this garden is a broad, mature Weeping Birch, forming a large circular structure on the lawn, with a secret shady tent effect beneath. Like many gardens tall Cypress trees form the rear boundary. While providing welcome privacy they tend to dominate. To minimise this, a lower, inner boundary was created with Japanese Maples, white stem Birches and coloured stem Dogwoods among existing Buddleja shrubs.
The broad curve of the Weeping Birch became the template for new sweeping curved shrub and flower borders, interspersed with the requisite grasses. The silvery leaves of Olive, Buddleja, Pittosporum, Oleaster as well as perennials like Jerusalem Sage and Cotton Lavender all help weave multiple textures together.